1. IMPORTANT: The Professional Color Toolkit (as referenced in the Adobe Photoshop User Guide and Tutorial Guide) is no longer needed to provide access to PANTONE colors. The PANTONE colors have been built into the Photoshop program. Therefore, the Professional Color Toolkit CDEV has not been included on the Plug-ins disk. Please ignore references to the toolkit in the Photoshop manuals.
1. FILTERS: If you received Photoshop 2.0.1 as an upgrade to version 2.0, you will find new versions of the Pinch, Ripple, Twirl, Zigzag, Wave and Spherize filters on the Update disk. These new versions fix problems with running these filters on 68000-based Macintoshes like the Classic and SE.
2. SYSTEM 7 VIRTUAL MEMORY: If you are using System 7 Virtual Memory, please follow the procedure outlined in the Addendum to the Adobe Photoshop User Guide to prevent conflicts between Photoshop’s virtual memory scheme and System 7’s. Such conflicts could result in a significant performance degradation.
3. PHOTOSHOP VIRTUAL MEMORY: In Photoshop 1.0 the hard disk used for virtual memory was determined by the location of the Photoshop preferences file. You can now change the virtual memory disk using the Virtual Memory Preferences dialog box under the File menu. The default virtual memory disk is the Startup volume.
4. VIDEO CARD PROBLEMS: Some SuperMac accelerated video cards contain a ROM bug that prevents display of the tonal curve in the Arbitrary Map dialog box and the tick marks on the rulers. To alleviate this problem, either turn off QuickDraw acceleration or contact SuperMac Technologies at 408-245-0646 for information regarding ROM upgrades.
5. PRINTING DUOTONE FILES: When placing Photoshop's duotone, tritone, or quadtone images in a page layout or illustration program, please make sure that the name of the PANTONE or custom color used in the Photoshop image EXACTLY MATCHES the corresponding color name in the illustration or layout program. If the names do not match, reopen the file in Photoshop and edit the color name in the Duotone Options dialog box.
6. CLIPPING PATHS: Please note that overly complex clipping paths may generate printer errors (such as limitcheck errors). To simplify a clipping path, you can increase the flatness parameter (found in the EPS Save dialog box) or remove some control points from your path. You should avoid rotating or skewing an EPS image containing a clipping path after placing it in a page layout or Illustration program. Doing this significantly increases printing time and may generate a printer error.
7. ADOBE JPEG AND PICTUREPRESS™: Files generated by the Adobe JPEG module are mostly compatible with RGB and grayscale files created by the PicturePress Version 2 application and plug-in module marketed by Storm Technology. PicturePress 2.0, however, does not read CMYK formatted JPEG files. Adobe and Storm technology are working together to ensure complete compatibility in future versions of their products. For details on the Storm plug-in module and the StormCard accelerator for PicturePress products, contact Storm at:
Storm Technology
1101 San Antonio Rd, Suite 101
Mountain View, CA 94043
415 691-1111
8. COLOR SEPARATION AND COLOR TABLES: Photoshop 2.0 created faulty color tables when high dot gain values were specified. To compensate for this bug, version 2.0.1 does not recognize color tables created by Photoshop 2.0; these tables must be rebuilt. For information on creating and using custom color tables, please see the Photoshop 2.0.1 addendum.
9. HQS SCREENING: Photoshop 2.0 could not access HQS screens available with Linotype-Hell imagesetters. With version 2.0.1, these screens can be accessed by entering the Linotype-Hell suggested screen values in Photoshop's Screens dialog. These values are available in Linotype-Hell's Technical Supplement. If you wish to save the file in EPS format to print from a Page Layout program, select the checkbox "Include halftone Screens" in the EPS options dialog. For more information on HQS Screens, contact:
Linotype-Hell Company
425 Oser Ave
Hauppauge, NY 11788
10. RADIUS PIVOT: Some system freezes have been reported when using the PICT Resource plug-in module with the monochrome Radius Pivot display.
The Plug-Ins disk includes a folder labeled "Third Party Software” containing complimentary software developed outside of Adobe. Because this software was created by third parties, please use this software with the understanding that it has not been through Adobe's standard quality-assurance testing. Adobe System's technical support department will not be able to answer questions on these programs. Please contact the individual software vendors for technical support and product queries.
The "Andromeda" folder contains a plug-in filter from Andromeda software selected from their set of Photoshop plug-in filters. Andromeda software can be reached at 849 Old Farm Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, 805 379-4109.
The Switch-A-Roo™ folder contains the Switch-A-Roo F-Key, a valuable utility for quickly switching between different video display modes (e.g., 8-bit and 24-bit). Switch-A-Roo was written by Bill Steinberg; documentation on using the utility is provided on a text file in the Switch-A-Roo folder.
The "Aldus® Gallery Effects™" folder contains the Watercolor filter, one of the 16 Gallery Effects filters included in Gallery Effects Volume I: Classic Art. See the README file within this folder for additional product notes. For more information on Aldus Gallery Effects, contact:
Aldus Corporation
Product Information
411 First Avenue South
Seattle, Washington, 98104
The "Use Accurate Screens" check box in Photoshop’s Screens dialog box enables a new PostScript language extension that offers dramatic improvements to the quality of halftoned images. This technology lets Photoshop access the exact screen angles you specify rather than an approximation of them. Accurate Screens requires either a PostScript Level 2 device or an imagesetter equipped with an Emerald PostScript interpreter that supports this option. If you do not know whether your imagesetter has this capability, check with the manufacturer.
If you are not using a device that supports Accurate Screens technology, do not turn on the Use Accurate Screens option. In this case, the option will not improve the output quality, and will interfere with Photoshop’s ability to automatically generate optimal screen angles and frequencies using the Auto button. By the same token, if you are using Accurate Screens, and you are using the Auto button to generate screen angles and frequencies, make sure the Accurate Screens option is checked before you use the Auto button.
If your printer is capable of supporting Accurate Screens we highly recommend that you check with your imagesetter manufacturer for the optimal screen angles and frequencies for your particular imagesetter. While Accurate Screens is theoretically capable of creating screens using any angles and frequencies, the best results and fastest printing times will be obtained by using specific "screen sets" (combinations of angles and frequencies). These optimal screen sets are dependent upon your specific equipment configuration and should be available from your imagesetter manufacturer.